Date: - 20-02-2025
Sem – 1, 2, 7 & 8 KT Exam Form Submission FH-2025 Exam
All the students who are having semester – 1, 2,7 & 8 KT are hereby informed that semester -1, 2, 7 & 8 KT exam May/June -2025 exam (FH-2025 Exam) form submission is started and last date to apply for the same is 27/02/2025.
Please follow the below procedure to complete the exam form apply/submission.
Step1: - You can view the list on Students’ corner drive link (A16 - SEM-1-2-7-8 KT Students List folder).
List1: - KT list of students who appeared Dec-2024 exam.
List2: -KT list as per MKCL portal inward link for all KT students of FE & BE.
Step2: - Fill the KT exam form and submit it physically in college exam section (Room No. 114, first floor) along with the fees (payment will be accepted online only).
Step3: - only after successful payment and hard copy form submission your KT form will be accepted and considered for submission to university through college exam section.